; Software License Agreement ; ; The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the "Company") ; for its PICmicro(r) Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company's ; customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller ; products. ; ; The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under ; applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the ; foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable ; laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of ; this license. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN "AS IS" CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, ; IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ; MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE ; COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR ; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. ; ; ############################################################################### ; filename: HIDCLASS.ASM ; ; Implements USB Human Interface Device (HID) class specific commands. ; ; ############################################################################### ; ; Author(s): Dan Butler and Reston Condit ; Company: Microchip Technology Inc ; ; Revision: 1.21 ; Date: 08 August 2001 ; Assembled using MPASM 2.61 ; Revision History: ; 23 August 2000 DZB Changed descriptor pointers to 16 bits. ; 24 August 2000 DZB Moved EP1 & 2 configuration from USBReset ; to Set_Configuration to implement requirement in ; USB V1.1 spec paragraph ; 28 August 2000 DZB Force data toggle on OUT packets in PutUSB ; 20 March 2001 DZB Reduced use of common RAM ; 20 March 2001 DZB Put and Get use their own temp variable (GPtemp) to ; avoid collisions with the ISR's use of temp. ; 29 March 2001 DZB Fixed saving of bank bits in GetUSB ; 02 May 2001 DZB Implemented SHOW_ENUM_STATUS to show enumeration ; status on the PORTB LEDs: 0- Powered, 1- Default, ; 2- addressed, 3- configured, 4- sleep, ; 5- EP0 Activity, 6- EP1 Activity, 7- EP2 Activity ; 03 August 2001 RAC Made distinct GetEP and PutEP macros for endpoints 1 ; and 2. These functions are GetEP1, GetEP2, PutEP1, and ; PutEP2. Instances of the these macros are created in ; usb_ch9.asm. ; 08 August 2001 RAC Corrected various banking and paging issues. ; 15 August RAC Added Report_desc_index function in descript.asm. ; This function allows more than one report descriptor ; to be used. ; 06 September 2001 JMS Changed to work with PBP compiler. ; ;################################################################################ ; ; include files: ; P16C7x5.inc Rev 1.00 ; usb_defs.inc Rev 1.21 ; ;################################################################################ ; ****************************************************************** ; Get Class Specific Descriptor ; ****************************************************************** ClassSpecificRequest pagesel Dev2HostHIDRequest movf BufferData+bmRequestType,w xorlw 0x21 btfsc STATUS,Z goto Host2DevHIDRequest movf BufferData+bmRequestType,w xorlw 0x22 btfsc STATUS,Z goto Host2DevReportRequest movf BufferData+bmRequestType,w xorlw 0x23 btfsc STATUS,Z goto Host2DevPhysicalRequest movf BufferData+bmRequestType,w xorlw 0xA1 btfsc STATUS,Z goto Dev2HostHIDRequest movf BufferData+bmRequestType,w xorlw 0xA2 btfsc STATUS,Z goto Dev2HostReportRequest movf BufferData+bmRequestType,w xorlw 0xA3 btfsc STATUS,Z goto Dev2HostPhysicalRequest pagesel wrongstate goto wrongstate ; Need to add code if you need to handle optional functions ; such as get/set_idle. Otherwise, send STALL buy calling ; to signal the host that the feature is not implemented. Host2DevHIDRequest movf BufferData+bRequest,w xorlw 0x01 btfsc STATUS,Z goto GetHIDReport movf BufferData+bRequest,w xorlw 0x02 btfsc STATUS,Z goto GetIdle movf BufferData+bRequest,w xorlw 0x03 btfsc STATUS,Z goto GetPhysical movf BufferData+bRequest,w xorlw 0x06 btfsc STATUS,Z goto Get_Report_Descriptor movf BufferData+bRequest,w xorlw 0x09 btfsc STATUS,Z goto SetHIDReport movf BufferData+bRequest,w xorlw 0x0A btfsc STATUS,Z goto SetIdle movf BufferData+bRequest,w xorlw 0x0B btfsc STATUS,Z goto SetProtocol pagesel wrongstate goto wrongstate ; ****************************************************************** ; Get Report Descriptor ; Returns the Mouse Report descriptor ; Checks for the report type (input, output or Feature). ; ****************************************************************** Get_Report_Descriptor banksel EP0_start movlw GET_DESCRIPTOR movwf USB_dev_req ; currently processing a get descriptor request movlw 8 movwf EP0_maxLength movf BufferData+(wValue+1),w ; check report ID xorlw 0x01 ; was it an Input Report? btfsc STATUS,Z goto TryOutputReport pagesel Descriptions bcf STATUS,C rlf BufferData+wIndex,w call Report_desc_index ; translate index to offset into descriptor table movwf EP0_start bcf STATUS,C rlf BufferData+wIndex,w addlw 1 ; point to high order byte call Report_desc_index ; translate index to offset into descriptor table movwf EP0_start+1 call Descriptions movwf EP0_end pagesel CheckReportLength incf EP0_start,f goto CheckReportLength TryOutputReport movf BufferData+(wValue+1),w ; check report ID xorlw 0x02 ; was it an Output Report? btfsc STATUS,Z goto TryFeatureReport pagesel Descriptions bcf STATUS,C rlf BufferData+wIndex,w call Report_desc_index ; translate index to offset into descriptor table movwf EP0_start bcf STATUS,C rlf BufferData+wIndex,w addlw 1 ; point to high order byte call Report_desc_index ; translate index to offset into descriptor table movwf EP0_start+1 call Descriptions movwf EP0_end pagesel CheckReportLength incf EP0_start,f goto CheckReportLength TryFeatureReport movf BufferData+(wValue+1),w ; check report ID xorlw 0x03 ; was it an Output Report? pagesel wrongstate btfsc STATUS,Z goto wrongstate ; Fill EP0IN buffer here... return CheckReportLength movf BufferData+(wLength+1),w ; Is the host requesting more than 255 bytes? btfss STATUS,Z ; If so, the host is requesting more than we have goto nolimit_rpt check_low_bytes movf BufferData+wLength,w subwf EP0_end,w ; if not, compare the amount the host is request movf BufferData+wLength,w ; with the length of the descriptor btfsc STATUS,C ; if the host is request less than the descriptor movwf EP0_end ; length, send only as much as what the host wants nolimit_rpt incf EP0_end,f pagesel copy_descriptor_to_EP0 call copy_descriptor_to_EP0 return Get_HID_Descriptor movlw GET_DESCRIPTOR movwf USB_dev_req ; currently processing a get descriptor request movlw 8 movwf EP0_maxLength movlw low HID_Descriptor movwf EP0_start movlw high HID_Descriptor movwf EP0_start + 1 pagesel Descriptions call Descriptions ; get the HID descriptor length movwf EP0_end pagesel Get_HID_Descriptor movf BufferData+(wLength+1),f btfss STATUS,Z goto nolimit_hid subwf BufferData+wLength,w movf BufferData+wLength,w btfss STATUS,C movwf EP0_end nolimit_hid incf EP0_end,f pagesel copy_descriptor_to_EP0 call copy_descriptor_to_EP0 return Get_Physical_Descriptor return Check_Class_Specific_IN pagesel copy_descriptor_to_EP0 movf USB_dev_req,w xorlw GET_DESCRIPTOR btfsc STATUS,Z call copy_descriptor_to_EP0 return ; ****************************************************************** ; These requests are parsed out, but nothing is actually done with them ; currently they simply stall EP0 to show that the request is not ; supported. If you need to support them, fill in the code. ; ****************************************************************** Host2DevReportRequest Host2DevPhysicalRequest Dev2HostHIDRequest Dev2HostReportRequest Dev2HostPhysicalRequest GetHIDReport GetIdle GetPhysical SetIdle pagesel wrongstate goto wrongstate SetHIDReport movlw HID_SET_REPORT movwf USB_dev_req ; store status banksel BD0OST movlw 0xc8 ; reset buffer movwf BD0OST return ; ****************************************************************** ; As written, Set Protocol merely returns a zero length packet to keep the OS happy. ; If your application actually needs to do something with the protocol value specified ; here's where to add the code. ; ****************************************************************** SetProtocol banksel BD0IBC ; select bank 3 movlw 0x00 movwf BD0IBC ; set the byte count field to zero movlw 0xc8 movwf BD0IST ; Set the OWNs bit ; Add code here to actually do something with the protocol value specified. return