Using the PICBASIC PRO(TM) Compiler with the Microchip PIC18F2450, 2455, 2550, 4450, 4455 and 4550 full-speed USB devices. The USB18 subdirectory contains the PIC18Fxxx USB libraries for the PicBasic Pro Compiler, as well as example programs and some documentation files. USB programs require several addtional files to operate (which are in the USB18 subdirectory), some of which may require modification for your particular application. The files in this subdirectory are: 18F*.BAS Device header files that use the USB libraries CDCDESC.ASM Descriptor file for CDC serial demo JADESC.ASM Descriptor file for Jan Axelson demo MOUSDESC.ASM Descriptor file for mouse demo PBPCDC.INF INF file for the CDC serial driver USB.TXT This file USB18.ASM USB assembler file USB18.INC USB definitions file USB18MEM.ASM USB memory allocation file USBCDC.BAS CDC serial demo BASIC program file USBDESC.ASM Include file for descriptor file USBJADEM.BAS Jan Axelson demo BASIC program file USBMOUSE.BAS Mouse demo BASIC program file USB communications is much more complicated than synchronous (Shiftin and Shiftout) and asynchronous (Serin, Serout and so forth) communications. There is much more to know about USB operation that can possibly be described here. The USB information on the Microchip web site needs to be studied. Also, the book "USB Complete" by Jan Axelson may be helpful. BASIC USB Programs The PICBASIC PRO(TM) Compiler currently supports both the HID and CDC classes of USB devices. The CDC class allows the USB port to look like an asychronous serial port to PC programs. A USB program consists of the BASIC source code along with additional USB files, including USB18.ASM, USB18MEM.ASM, USB18.INC and a USB descriptor file. The compiler automatically places the USB routines after the PICBASIC PRO library code and before the BASIC program code. There are 2 different header files provided for each USB device. The ones in the PBP\USB18 subdirectory automatically include the required USB files mentioned above. They also only allow the compiler to access the first half of the RAM. The remainder of the RAM is dual port and is used by the USB peripheral. The header files in the PBP subdirectory do not include the USB code. This allows the devices to be used just like any other PIC. The reason one may want to do this is that these PICs have more memory and can run at a faster clip than most other PICs. These header files are 18F2450.BAS, 18F2455.BAS, 18F2550.BAS, 18F4450.BAS, 18F4455.BAS and 18F4550.BAS. The USB header files for these PICs are set for a default oscillator of 20MHz. The other settings for full-speed USB are HSPLL, USB clock is 96MHz PLL / 2 and system clock postscaler is divided by 2. For low-speed USB operation, the main changes are to set the system clock postscaler to divide by 4 and change the define for UCFG_VAL in the descriptor file for the project. The sample project descriptor files show settings of UCFG_VAL for both full- speed and low-speed. With these settings, for full-speed, the PIC core runs at 48MHz. For low-speed, the PIC core runs at 24MHz. One of the compiler included files is USBDESC.ASM. This is a user modified file that contains an include to the actual descriptor file used for the current project. Only one descriptor file must be selected in this file. The header file for the device, the files USB18.ASM, USB18MEM.ASM, USB18.INC, USBDESC.ASM and the project descriptor file, as well as any desired sample programs, should be copied to the project source subdirectory before being used. Sample Programs USBMOUSE.BAS is the Microchip mouse demo written in BASIC. It makes the mouse move in a small circle when connected to a PC. MOUSDESC.ASM contains the descriptors required by the demo program to operate. This file is compiled into the program automatically by PBP. The descriptor files are named in the file USBDESC.ASM. This file can be edited to name another descriptor file. USBJADEM.BAS is the Jan Axelson demo program written in BASIC. It communicates with a program running on the PC, USBHIDIO, that can be found on Jan Axelson's web site at This demo takes 2 numbers from the PC program, increments them and sends them back. It shows how to send data to and from the PC. JADESC.ASM contains the descriptors required by the demo program to operate. This file is compiled into the program automatically by PBP. The descriptor files are named in the file USBDESC.ASM. This file must be edited to name the descriptor file JADESC.ASM. USBCDC.BAS is a BASIC program that demonstrates USB simulating a serial port on a Windows PC. Windows asks to install the appropriate driver when a CDC device is first plugged in. It actually might take a moment or two for Windows to discover the device. After that, Windows will ask for a driver file. The file PBPCDC.INF in the USB18 subdirectory is the file that Windows can be directed to when it wants the driver information file. CDCDESC.ASM contains the descriptors required by the demo program to operate. This file is compiled into the program automatically by PBP. The descriptor files are named in the file USBDESC.ASM. This file must be edited to name the descriptor file CDCDESC.ASM. New USB Commands Four new PBP commands have been implemented to support the PIC18Fxxxx full- speed USB devices. These commands are shown below: USBInit USBInit needs to be one of the first statements in the program. It will initialize the USB portion of the PICmicro MCU. USBIn enpoint, buffer, countvar, label USBIn gets any available USB data for the endpoint and places it in the buffer. Buffer must be a byte array of suitable length to contain the data. Countvar should be set to the size of the buffer before USBIn is executed. It will contain the number of bytes transferred to the buffer after USBIn is executed. Label will be jumped to if no data is available. USBOut endpoint, buffer, count, label USBOut takes count number of bytes from the buffer and sends them to the USB endpoint. If the USB buffer does not have room for the data because of a pending transmission, no data will be transferred and program execution will continue at label. USBService USBService needs to be executed repeatedly in the program. Since the provided USB code is polled rather than interrupt driven, USBService needs to be executed at least every 10ms throughout the program. If it is not, the device may drop off the USB bus. See the included USB sample programs for examples of each of these commands. PICBASIC PRO is a trademark of Microchip Technology Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries.