------- COMPSys http://www.compsys1.com/workbench/ rsdiol@compsys1.com March 2002 ------- GSEDUTIL Version 1.0 *********** GSEDUTIL.BAS Graphic application for use with a 256x128 SED1330 (or compatible) graphic LCD controller connected to the GLipic controller. It demonstrates text and graphic functions. Written in MELabs PicBasicPro(TM) Ver 2.32 To be used with GLUTIL3.EXE Ver 1.3.1 a Windows based interface. ============================================================================ This program uses the GSEDLIB.BAS Graphic Library which includes the graphic routines. The library source is available http://www.compsys1.com/workbench/ for a nominal fee. GLSEDEMO.BAS Revision 1.0 ************ Program to test the SED1330 Controller based graphic 256x128 LCD, connected to the GLipic controler board. It is used with the GLIPIC2.EXE Windows application Written in MELabs PICBasicPro Ver 2.32 Demonstration of creating and loading bitmap images to the LCD display ============================================================================ This program uses the GSEDLIB.BAS Graphic Library which includes the graphic routines. The library source is available http://www.compsys1.com/workbench/ for a nominal fee.