GLTERM.BAS -- Terminal Demo Program for the Graphic LCD interface. This assumes the internal eeprom is loaded with a character set (alpha.bas) Serial I/O Pins used: C6 for serial out and C7 for serial in. EETERM.BAS -- Is identical except that it uses an external eeprom for an extended characterset (eepalpha.bas) Description: The program displays information on The 128x64 Graphic LCD Lines 0-6 and Line 7 is used as an active terminal. The display shows the status of PIC PortB pins 0,3-7. Pins 1 and 2 of PortB are not shown because they are control pins for the LCD. PortC Pins 0-7 status is also displayed.A '0' is an OFF (low) condition and a '1' is an ON (high) condition. PortB Pins 5,6,7 are set as output, to control relays,leds etc. Pins 0,3,4 are set as input, to be used bye buttons,switches etc. From a PC via any terminal program one can issue a 'command' to toggle the PortB pins. The program 'polls' the serial port (PIN C7) for 500ms, if no command is issued it loops through to check and display PortB and PortC pin conditions and the returns to poll the serial input pin again. Usage: Command keys: ] = 'escape' key @ = 'toggle pin' command B followed by a number = toggles that paricular pin (B must be uppercase) Example ------- Turn on your terminal application and reset the PIC the "Ready" message will appear in your terminal. To toggle PortB Pin 4 this would be the sequence: 1. Tap the ] key (the CMD: message should appear on your terminal, meaning that it has escaped from the loop and is waiting for a command sequence) 2. Tap the @ key (meaning that you want to toggle a pin) 3. Enter an uppercase B followed by the number 4 4. The status of Pin B4 will change on the display and the Terminal line on the LCD should display CMD:B4