' Program: GSED1330.BAS written using Bascom-AVR ver ' Basic program to interface with a graphic LCD ' which has a Seiko SED1330 controller. This program will set up ' the LCD and allow one to position and write text as well as load and display ' bitmap images. ' The Graphic routines to draw circles, squares, rectangles,straight lines ' and set/reset pixels will be availabe at the website for a small license fee. ' ' ' BETA CODE ' **** NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE ***** ' Ver. 0.0.5 July, 2001 ' ' ' ' Project Reference: GS1330-8535 ' MCU: Atmel AT90S8535 ' Software: Bascom-AVR ver ' Atmel Programmer: STK500 development board set at 5.0v ' ISP and terminal output ' ' Initial Date: July 30, 2001 ' Projected Completion Date: August 30, 2001 ' ' Author: Ranjit Diol ' rsdiol@compsys1.com ' http://www.compsys1.com/workbench ' '****************************************************************************** ' DISCLAIMER: This file is being released as non-commericial ' software. It is being provided "AS IS", neither the author, ' nor COMPSys shall be held liable for any damages caused ' by its use. ' ' This product is issued as public domain software,you may use or distribute ' it freely for non-commercial use.You may use this code or portions thereof ' in other applications as long as the author is given credit for ' those portions used. ' '****************************************************************************** ' ' (c) COMPSys, 2001 ' All Rights Reserved ' '****************************************************************************** ' ' ' P L E A S E R E A D ' ===================== 'IMPORTANT: You may need to change port and pin assignments ' to match your design. All routines are in the 'gosub' format, ' you can also,if you want,declare them as subs and functions. ' you also find variables and constants that are never used and ' may be removed. ' 'Brief:Hyundai 256x128 LCD using a SED1330F ' ' LCD PINS MCU PINS ' 1 GND ---- ' 2 GND ---- ' 3 +5v ---- ' 4 Vee -15v ---- ' 5 /RES Reset on low Portb.0 ' 6 /RD Read on low Portb.1 ' 7 /WR Write on low Portb.5 ' 8 /CS Chip enable on low Portb.4 ' 9 CD Low=Data Hi=Cmd Portb.3 ' 10-17 Data 8 bits Portd.0 - Portd.7 ' 18-20 No Connection ' ' '============================================================== $regfile = "8535def.dat" 'AT90S8535 mcu 'Setup ports and aliases Ddrb = &B11111111 Portb = 255 '255 Ddrd = &B11111111 Portd = 255 '255 'LCD controls Gl_rst Alias Portb.0 'LCD /Reset Gl_rd Alias Portb.1 'LCD /RD Gl_wr Alias Portb.5 'LCD /WR Gl_cs Alias Portb.4 'LCD /CS Gl_a0 Alias Portb.3 'LCD A0 (C/D) Gl_dat Alias Portd 'LCD 8 bit data Gl_tris Alias Ddrd 'LCD data redirection Gl_inp Alias Pind 'LCD data input Reset Gl_cs 'Set chip select low 'Setup constants may be some that are not used '========================================================= 'PLEASE REFER TO THE SED1330 SPEC SHEETS FROM SEIKO-EPSON 'FOR MORE DETAILS '========================================================= 'Constants used Const Sys_set = &H40 Const Sys_sleep = &H53 Const Sys_cgram_addr = &H5C Const Sys_scroll = &H44 Const Sys_scroll_hdot = &H5A Const Sys_scroll_rate = &H5A Const Sys_cur_form = &H5D Const Sys_cur_addr = &H46 Const Sys_cur_read = &H47 Const Sys_cur_dir_rt = &H4C Const Sys_cur_dir_lt = &H4D Const Sys_cur_dir_up = &H4E Const Sys_cur_dir_dn = &H4F Const Sys_over_lay = &H5B Const Sys_mwrite = &H42 Const Sys_mread = &H43 Const Lcd_disp_on = &H59 Const Lcd_disp_off = &H58 Const Lcd_inverse = &HFF Const Lcd_normal = &H00 ' 'The LCD Initialization parameters are in the ' data section at end of code ' ======================================= ' CHANGE ACCORDING TO YOUR LCD DATA SHEET ' ======================================= ' Const Lcd_cr = &H20 '32 Chars/bytes per line Const Lcd_crm = Lcd_cr - 1 'Maximum x value perline Const Lcd_grh = &H1000 'Graphic home position Const Lcd_txh = &H0000 'Text home position Const Lcd_lh = &H08 'Height of line (8x8 characters) Const Lcd_ol = &B00000001 'Sys Overlay value used Const Lcd_off = &B00010110 'Lcd off parameter used Const Lcd_on = &B00010100 'LCD on parameter Const Lcd_cur1 = &H04 'Cursor parameters Const Lcd_cur2 = &H86 Const Lcd_lines = 16 'Number of text lines Const Lcd_w = &H100 '256 pixels wide Const Lcd_h = &H80 '128 pixels high Const Ascii_spc = &H20 'ASCII space 'Memory location of beginning of lines Const Lcd_l1 = Lcd_txh 'Line 1 Const Lcd_l2 = Lcd_cr * 1 'Line 2 Const Lcd_l3 = Lcd_cr * 3 'Line 3 Const Lcd_l4 = Lcd_cr * 4 'Line 4 Const Lcd_l5 = Lcd_cr * 5 'Line 5 Const Lcd_l6 = Lcd_cr * 6 'Line 6 Const Lcd_l7 = Lcd_cr * 7 'Line 7 Const Lcd_l8 = Lcd_cr * 8 'Line 8 Const Lcd_l9 = Lcd_cr * 9 'Line 9 Const Lcd_l10 = Lcd_cr * 10 'Line 10 Const Lcd_l11 = Lcd_cr * 11 'Line 11 Const Lcd_l12 = Lcd_cr * 12 'Line 12 Const Lcd_l13 = Lcd_cr * 13 'Line 13 Const Lcd_l14 = Lcd_cr * 14 'Line 14 Const Lcd_l15 = Lcd_cr * 15 'Line 15 Const Lcd_l16 = Lcd_cr * 16 'Line 16 Const Lcd_l17 = Lcd_cr * 17 'Line 17 Const Lcd_l18 = Lcd_cr * 18 'Line 18 Const Lcd_l19 = Lcd_cr * 19 'Line 19 Const Lcd_l20 = Lcd_cr * 20 'Line 20 Const Lcd_l21 = Lcd_cr * 21 'Line 21 Const Lcd_l22 = Lcd_cr * 22 'Line 22 Const Lcd_l23 = Lcd_cr * 23 'Line 23 Const Lcd_l24 = Lcd_cr * 24 'Line 24 Const Lcd_l25 = Lcd_cr * 25 'Line 25 Const Lcd_l26 = Lcd_cr * 26 'Line 26 Const Lcd_l27 = Lcd_cr * 27 'Line 27 Const Lcd_l28 = Lcd_cr * 28 'Line 28 Const Lcd_l29 = Lcd_cr * 29 'Line 29 Const Lcd_l30 = Lcd_cr * 30 'Line 30 'Define variable some may not be used in this application '********************************************************** 'Please Note: 'YOU MAY FIND MANY UNUSED VARIABLES 'SINCE THIS IS AN ABBREVIATED VERSION OF A LARGER PROGRAM Dim Gl_cmd As Byte Dim Gl_byte As Byte Dim Gl_cur As Byte Dim Gl_i As Byte Dim Gl_j As Byte Dim Gl_k As Byte Dim Gl_x As Byte Dim Gl_y As Byte Dim Gl_addr As Word Dim Gl_w As Word Dim Gl_read As Byte Dim Gl_old As Byte Dim Gl_addrlo As Word Dim Gl_addrhi As Word Dim Gl_bit As Byte Dim Gl_rstflag As Byte Dim Hex_nib As Byte Dim In_array(32) As Byte Dim Msg As String * 40 Dim Char As String * 1 Dim Dat_1 As Word Dim Dat_2 As Word Dim Dat As Word Dim Tmp1 As Word Dim Tmp2 As Word Dim Eeaddr As Word 'Initialize 'Setup variables Gl_j = 0 Gl_i = 0 Gl_k = 0 Gl_addr = 0 Gl_x = 0 Gl_y = 0 Gl_rstflag = 0 Reset Gl_rst 'rst low Waitms 10 Set Gl_rst 'rst high 'Make sure reset is high 'Wait a bit and let things settle Waitms 100 'Begin main loop Main: 'Initialize display Gosub Gl_init Msg1: Gl_addr = Lcd_txh + 2 'Set cursor address Gl_cur = Sys_cur_dir_rt 'set cursor movement to right Msg = "AVR and SED1330 256x128 LCD" 'Text to be display Gosub Gl_putmsg Wait 1 Gl_addr = Lcd_l11 + 11 Msg = "Ranjit Diol" Gosub Gl_putmsg Gl_addr = Lcd_l12 + 4 Msg = "http://www.compsys1.com/" Gosub Gl_putmsg Wait 1 Gl_addr = Lcd_l13 + Lcd_grh Gosub Gl_setaddr Gl_byte = &HFF For Gl_i = 0 To 31 Gosub Gl_putbyte Next Gl_i Gl_addr = Lcd_l14 + 6 Msg = "Written in BascomAVR" Gosub Gl_putmsg Gl_addr = Lcd_l15 + 6 Msg = "Using an AT90S8535" Gosub Gl_putmsg Wait 3 'Load image from eeprom ' **** MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE LOADED THE EEP or HEX IMAGE FILE (64x64 bitmap) ***** Gl_byte = 0 Eeaddr = 0 'EEprom initial address Gl_cur = Sys_cur_dir_rt 'Cursor movement right For Gl_addr = &H126C To &H1A4C Step Lcd_cr 'Step by line &H20 Gosub Gl_setaddr For Gl_i = 1 To 8 Readeeprom Gl_byte , Eeaddr 'Read the graphic byte Gosub Gl_putbyte 'Now place it Incr Eeaddr Next Gl_i Next Gl_addr Fini: Goto Fini End '********** Beginning of Data section ******************** ' ' SED1330F Controller Parameters 'LCD Initialization parameters are in the data section ' ======================================= ' CHANGE ACCORDING TO YOUR LCD DATA SHEET ' ======================================= ' 256 x 128 Display '========================================================== ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 Dat1: Data &H30 , &H87 , &H07 , &H1F , &H52 , &H7F , &H20 , &H00 ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Dat2: Data &H00 , &H00 , &H7F , &H00 , &H10 , &H7F '========================================================== ' OTHER RESOLUTIONS '=============================================================== 'These may or may not be correct for your LCD therefore it is 'important that you check your LCD specifications for the correct 'parameters! '================================================================ ' 192 x 128 Display '========================================================== ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 'Dat1: 'Data &H30 , &H85 , &H07 , &H1F , &H7C , &H7F , &H20 , &H00 ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 'Dat2: 'Data &H00 , &H00 , &H7F , &H00 , &H04 , &H7F '========================================================== ' 240 x 64 Display '========================================================== ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 'Dat1: 'Data &H30 , &H87 , &H07 , &H1D , &HF8 , &H3F , &H1D , &H00 ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 'Dat2: 'Data &H00 , &H00 , &H3F , &H00 , &H04 , &H3F '========================================================== ' 240 x 128 Display '========================================================== ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 'Dat1: 'Data &H30 , &H87 , &H07 , &H1D , &H7F , &H7F , &H1E , &H00 ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 'Dat2: 'Data &H00 , &H00 , &H3F , &H00 , &H04 , &H3F '========================================================== ' 320 x 200 Display '========================================================== ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 'Dat1: 'Data &H30 , &H87 , &H07 , &H27 , &H4F , &HC7 , &H28 , &H00 ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 'Dat2: 'Data &H00 , &H00 , &HC7 , &H00 , &H08 , &HC7 '========================================================== ' 220 x 240 Display '========================================================== ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 'Dat1: 'Data &H30 , &H87 , &H07 , &H27 , &H42 , &HEF , &H28 , &H00 ' P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 'Dat2: 'Data &H00 , &H00 , &HEF , &H00 , &H08 , &HEF '========================================================== Sdat1: Data "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" , "a" , "b" , "c" , "d" , "e" , "f" 'Data to display a 64x64 bitmap this will create an eep image 'This section can be removed once the eep file is generated Imgdat: $eeprom Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H04 , &H80 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H08 , &HC0 , &H60 , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H20 , &H5E , &HB0 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H04 , &H34 , &H00 , &HEC , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &HC4 , &H09 , &HBE , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H0C , &H01 , &HFF , &HFF , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H1C , &H00 , &H7E , &HBF , &H80 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H28 , &H01 , &HE1 , &H97 , &H80 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H7D , &H1E , &H84 , &HDF , &HC0 , &H00 , &H00 , &H01 , &H7E , &HFF , &H11 , &HEF , &HC0 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H01 , &HCA , &H7E , &H8F , &HEF , &HE0 , &H00 , &H00 , &H03 , &H29 , &H70 , &H38 , &HFF , &HF8 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H06 , &H10 , &H04 , &H40 , &H7D , &H08 , &H00 , &H00 , &H03 , &H83 , &HD0 , &H02 , &H78 , &H7C , &H00 Data &H00 , &H07 , &H21 , &H00 , &H9C , &HF7 , &H04 , &H00 , &H00 , &H07 , &H91 , &H00 , &H30 , &HF9 , &HBE , &H00 Data &H00 , &H07 , &H65 , &HBE , &HF8 , &HED , &HC6 , &H00 , &H00 , &H07 , &HB3 , &HFB , &HE8 , &HEF , &HFE , &H00 Data &H00 , &H07 , &HF8 , &HFF , &HF7 , &HE3 , &H0E , &H00 , &H00 , &H0F , &HF5 , &HE7 , &HE8 , &H01 , &HFE , &H00 Data &H00 , &H0F , &H72 , &H80 , &H00 , &H00 , &HFF , &H00 , &H00 , &H0F , &HF0 , &H80 , &H00 , &H00 , &H3E , &H00 Data &H00 , &H0F , &H60 , &H80 , &H00 , &H00 , &H7E , &H00 , &H00 , &H0E , &HE0 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H06 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H0E , &H20 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H16 , &H00 , &H00 , &H1C , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H0E , &H00 Data &H00 , &H1C , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H1E , &H00 , &H00 , &H1C , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H1E , &H00 Data &H00 , &H3C , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H1A , &H00 , &H00 , &H2C , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H06 , &H00 Data &H01 , &HAC , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H2E , &H00 , &H01 , &HCC , &H06 , &H70 , &H00 , &H00 , &H36 , &H00 Data &H02 , &HB8 , &H00 , &HF8 , &H00 , &H00 , &H1E , &H00 , &H01 , &H0C , &H01 , &H80 , &H00 , &HFE , &H0E , &H00 Data &H01 , &H2C , &H0F , &HFC , &H01 , &HF6 , &H1E , &H00 , &H00 , &H8C , &H1F , &H92 , &H03 , &H60 , &H0F , &H40 Data &H01 , &HB8 , &H03 , &HCA , &H07 , &HFC , &H1C , &H00 , &H00 , &H2C , &H01 , &HB8 , &H09 , &HAE , &H09 , &HC0 Data &H00 , &HEC , &H04 , &H00 , &H0B , &HC4 , &H16 , &H00 , &H00 , &H6C , &H00 , &H00 , &H10 , &H78 , &H14 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H4C , &H00 , &H00 , &H10 , &H80 , &H1E , &H40 , &H00 , &H1C , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H70 , &H19 , &H80 Data &H00 , &H04 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H1A , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H0F , &H00 Data &H00 , &H18 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H3A , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H20 , &H00 , &H22 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H0C , &H28 , &H00 , &H04 , &H00 , &H00 , &H04 , &H00 , &H43 , &HD0 , &H00 , &H48 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H03 , &H80 , &H00 , &H00 , &H58 , &H00 , &H00 , &H02 , &H00 , &H00 , &H01 , &H00 , &H40 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H02 , &H01 , &HC0 , &H00 , &H80 , &H80 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H7E , &H12 , &H80 , &H80 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H01 , &H00 , &H38 , &H5E , &H01 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H80 , &H40 , &H30 , &H01 , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &HC0 , &H2F , &HE0 , &H02 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H60 , &H10 , &H10 , &H04 , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H10 , &H08 , &H20 , &H08 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H08 , &H07 , &HC0 , &H10 , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H04 , &H00 , &H00 , &H40 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H02 , &H00 , &H01 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H80 , &H06 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H40 , &H08 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H30 , &H30 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H03 , &H80 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 $data 'End of eep data '****** End of Data Section ************ ' '===== SUBROUTINES ============ ' Gl_init: 'Setup LCD Gl_cmd = Sys_set Gosub Send_cmd For Gl_i = 0 To 7 'P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 Gl_byte = Lookup(gl_i , Dat1) Gosub Send_dat Next Gl_i 'scroll Gl_cmd = Sys_scroll Gosub Send_cmd For Gl_i = 0 To 5 Gl_byte = Lookup(gl_i , Dat2) Gosub Send_dat Next Gl_i 'Hdot Gl_cmd = Sys_scroll_rate Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = &H0 Gosub Send_dat 'Overlay Gl_cmd = Sys_over_lay Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Lcd_ol Gosub Send_dat 'DISP OFF Gl_cmd = Lcd_disp_off Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Lcd_off Gosub Send_dat 'CSRW set cursor home Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_addr Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Low(lcd_txh) '&H0 Gosub Send_dat Gl_byte = High(lcd_txh) '&H0 Gosub Send_dat Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_dir_rt Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Sys_mwrite Gosub Send_dat Gl_byte = &H0 Gosub Send_dat 'CSR FORM Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_form Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Lcd_cur1 '&H04 Gosub Send_dat Gl_byte = Lcd_cur2 '&H86 Gosub Send_dat 'DISP ON Gl_cmd = Lcd_disp_on Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Lcd_on '&B00010100 Gosub Send_dat 'CSR DIR Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_dir_rt Gosub Send_cmd 'Clear Graphic screen Gosub Gl_grfclr 'Clear Text screen Gosub Gl_txtclr Return 'Clear Graphic Screen Gl_grfclr: Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_addr 'CSRW command Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Low(lcd_grh) '&H00 Gosub Send_dat Gl_byte = High(lcd_grh) '&H10 Gosub Send_dat Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_dir_rt 'Cur movement right Gosub Send_cmd Gl_cmd = Sys_mwrite Gosub Send_cmd For Gl_i = 1 To Lcd_h '128 For Gl_j = 1 To Lcd_cr 'Char /line = 32 Gl_byte = Lcd_normal Gosub Send_dat Next Gl_j Next Gl_i Return 'Graphic home Gl_grfhome: Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_addr 'CSRW command Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Low(lcd_grh) '&H00 Gosub Send_dat Gl_byte = High(lcd_grh) '&H10 Gosub Send_dat Return 'Clear Text screen Gl_txtclr: Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_addr 'CSRW command Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Low(lcd_txh) '&H00 Gosub Send_dat Gl_byte = High(lcd_txh) '&H00 Gosub Send_dat Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_dir_rt 'Cur movement right Gosub Send_cmd Gl_cmd = Sys_mwrite Gosub Send_cmd For Gl_i = 1 To Lcd_lines '16 For Gl_j = 1 To Lcd_cr '32 Gl_byte = Ascii_spc '&H20 ASCII Space Gosub Send_dat Next Gl_j Next Gl_i Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_addr 'CSRW command Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Low(lcd_txh) Gosub Send_dat Gl_byte = High(lcd_txh) Gosub Send_dat Return 'Routine to set the address 'assumes address is in gl_addr and cursor movment in gl_cur Gl_setaddr: 'CSRW set cursor home Gl_cmd = Sys_cur_addr 'Address command Gosub Send_cmd Gl_byte = Low(gl_addr) 'Vram text memory starts at $0000 and graphics at $1000 Gosub Send_dat Gl_byte = High(gl_addr) Gosub Send_dat Gl_cmd = Gl_cur 'Set cursor movement to left,right,up or down Gosub Send_cmd Return 'Lookup hex string Gl_find: Hex_nib = Lookupstr(in_array(gl_i) , Sdat1) Return 'Sending commands and data routines Send_dat: Reset Gl_a0 'CD low Gl_dat = Gl_byte Goto Gl_strobe Send_cmd: Set Gl_a0 'CD high Gl_dat = Gl_cmd Gl_strobe: Reset Gl_wr 'WR low ! nop Set Gl_wr 'WR high Reset Gl_a0 'CMD low Return Read_lcd: 'Returns gl_read Gl_cmd = Sys_mread Gosub Send_cmd Gl_tris = &B00000000 'Port input 'Make portd input Set Gl_a0 'Set A0 high Reset Gl_rd 'RD low ! nop Gl_read = Gl_inp 'PIND 'Assign data Set Gl_rd 'RD high Reset Gl_a0 'CD low high Gl_tris = &B11111111 'port output Return 'Place a message on the display assumes msg has the text,and gl_addr has address Gl_putmsg: 'Set the address Gosub Gl_setaddr 'MWRITE write mode Gl_cmd = Sys_mwrite Gosub Send_cmd 'Display the text Gl_j = Len(msg) For Gl_i = 1 To Gl_j Char = Mid(msg , Gl_i , 1) Gl_byte = Char Gosub Send_dat Next Gl_x Return 'Place a byte assumes cur direction, gl_byte and address has been set Gl_putbyte: Gl_cmd = Sys_mwrite Gosub Send_cmd Gosub Send_dat Return '*************************************** ' E N D O F C O D E '***************************************