The kit incorporates numerous surface mount parts (SMD). The user will have to install the remaining SMD parts (resistors,caps and the SOIC eeprom).Assembly of this kit requires that the user has the necessary tools and skills to work with SMD (surface mount device) components. If one is not comfortable with soldering miniature parts, then it is advisable to seek assistance from someone who is capable to do so. Small mistakes can cause many frustrating hours of grief in trouble shooting!Minimum tools required: A fine point low power (25w max) soldering iron and thin solder. Ideally, 0.022" diameter (or less) silver-bearing non-corrosive rosin core should be used. In addition. narrow needle nose pliers, diagonal cutting pliers, good quality tweezers, large magnifying glass, volt-ohm meter, and a 7 to 12 vdc power supply.Make sure that you work in a clean well lighted area and have adequate desk area. If you have carpeting then please be aware of static discharge as well as accidentally losing tiny components in the carpets fiber. SMD capacitors and resistors are very tiny and can quickly become invisible in the carpeting.