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COG Dev Kit using an Optrex 51320 LCD

A small development kit which connects to an Optrex 51320 COG (chipl on glass) graphic LCD. The 128x64 dot matrix LCD has an LED backlight (5v). The board includes a 28 pin DIP PIC16F876 with 8k code space (many other 28 pin PICs can be used if more programming space is required). There is an on-board 5v power regulator as well as an RS232 IC (Max232 or equiv). It also has provisions for an optional I2C eeprom and pull up resistors. Unused pins, such as PortA, are available via pin headers. The PIC’s programming pins are brought to a header so that the PIC can be programmed using a conventional PIC programmer. An alternative, method is to load the PIC with a bootloader and then program it via the board’s serial DB9 connector. Sample PICBasicPro code is available in the Workbench Support section. The kit is available with or without the LCD.


The Optrex 51320 COG lcd is a popular LCD which is available from DigiKey and other vendors. It is 128x64 pixels and has a yellow LED backlight

Shown above: The assembled kit with the Optrex 51320 COG 128x64 LCD

FFC30 flat flex 30 contact ribbon connector provided with the kit


Side view


Top view


Printed circuit board and pcb layout

Support Files & Demo Code in PICBasicPro

Optrex LCD 51320

COG kit documentation

PICBasicPro demo code

About the kit and assembly notes

The kit incorporates surface mount parts (SMD).Assembly of this kit requires that the user has the necessary tools and skills to work with SMD (surface mount device) components. If one is not comfortable with  soldering miniature parts, then it is advisable to seek assistance from someone who is capable to do so. Small mistakes can cause many frustrating hours of grief in trouble shooting!Minimum tools required: A  fine point low power (25w max) soldering iron and thin solder. Ideally, 0.022" diameter (or less) silver-bearing non-corrosive rosin core should be used. In addition. narrow needle nose pliers, diagonal cutting  pliers, good quality tweezers, large magnifying glass, volt-ohm meter, and a 7 to 12 vdc power supply.Make sure that you work in a clean well lighted area and have adequate desk area. If you have carpeting then  please be aware of static discharge as well as accidentally losing tiny components in the carpets fiber. SMD capacitors and resistors are very tiny and can quickly become invisible in the carpeting.

All Rights Reserved, Copyright (c) COMPSys , 2018

Updated on:

February 16, 2018 

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